About us
Jampur Group is based in Dubai, UAE and we operate globally through a network of local offices and associates in all major markets of Africa, Europe, and Asia.
We have a focused but diversified portfolio with a large amount of present and potential investments in Aviation, Shipping, Power, Mining, Equipment, and
Trading sectors. Furthermore, Jampur’s activities includes, without limitation,
owning and operating fleets of vessels, manufacturing water and electrical
meters, constructing and operating chicken slaughterhouses, fertilizer
blending plants, and shoe making plants, supplying industrial equipment, and
trading agricultural commodities.
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We are a global group with a diversified portfolio of operations, spanning from the ocean to the land, we invest in long term solutions.
Jampur Group’s operations are divided into our business, focusing in on Aviation, Shipping, Power, Mining, Equipment, and the Trading Sectors. Furthermore, our main operations include:

Jampur is equipped for the planning, construction, operation, and repair of powerplants, either from solar, generators or captive and central power, regardless of the terrain or geographic location.

We hold an extensive maritime track record, operating successfully for over 30 years. We provide our customers with complete high quality shipping solutions.

Jampur has the expertise to advise and supply large scale mining operations with the appropriate equipment needed to insure the safety of all individuals.

We supply both new and pre-owned equipment to our clients’ exact needs. We additionally offer full support of onsite training and ongoing supply of supply parts for the equipment required.
Global Network, Local Agency Tap into the Jampur Group worldwide network of offices and established teams.
Jampur Group has curated a diversified portfolio of projects throughout Africa, spanning from energy, infrastructure, agriculture processing, poultry slaughterhouse and equipment assembly projects.
Jampur is constantly pushing boundaries and exploring into new business frontiers. Follow our journey and our latest news here.
Jampur is constantly pushing boundaries and exploring into new business frontiers. Follow our journey and our latest news here.
Abuja Airport Power Plant Commissioned
Abuja, May 5th 2019. The Minister for Aviation, His Excellency Hadi Sirika, officially commission...

Jampur Group to supply fire trucks to the Federal Fire Service of Nigeria
Jampur Group met with representatives of the Fire Services of Nigeria in Ilorin, Kwara State to d...